Female infertility

Becoming pregnant is not the same experience for everyone. In recent years, the number of couples with fertility issues has risen tremendously. Chinese Medicine has a positive effect on fertility because it does not focus on hormonal production and the genitals, like Western medicine, but looks at the whole system of physical and mental factors.

There is no standard procedure for treating people with infertility problems. TCM examines each case and makes a diagnosis and decides treatment for that individual. In general, Chinese Medicine helps by stimulating ovulation, increasing the quality of the egg and sperm cells, and enhancing encapsulation.

More and more women are being treated with acupuncture during IUI, IVF or ICSI treatment. It makes an important contribution to key components of the treatment. It improves egg and sperm cell quality and quantity, blood flow to the uterus and the uterine tracts, and the thickness and quality of the uterine wall. It decreases the side effects of medication, reduces the risks of miscarriage, limits pain and stress, etc.

Acupuncture increases the chances of pre- and post-embryo transfer.

An ideal preparation time for IVF/ICSI is 3 to 4 months. This time is necessary to build up the uterine mucosal wall, optimize the quality of eggs and/or sperm cells, improve circulation to the uterine wall, etc. If you build a house, you first make sure of a solid foundation.

Indications :

  • counselling before IUI/IVF/ICSI
  • hormonal imbalance: PCOS
  • POF
  • LPD
  • incompatibilities between sperm cells and cervix mucosa
  • endometriosis
  • lower sperm quality/quantity
  • unexplained infertility
  • male and female sexual difficulties or dysfunction

Infertility affects an estimated 11 per cent of couples of fertile age. There is no “magic treatment” for infertility, but acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer an effective and proven approach to improve fertility and help treat infertility. When combined with artificial reproductive therapies, like IVF, TCM improves their success rates.

Psycho-emotional symptoms


Digestion symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms

Gynaecological symptoms


Male infertility


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