Nutritional advice

Nutritional advice is based on the five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, whereby the taste of food is connected with its nutritional value or toxicity.

This entails adjusting nutrition or regimes as a function of the vital organs affected, which may be causing excesses or deficiencies.

An unbalanced diet thus creates disharmony, which may express itself through all kinds of symptoms.

To increase general harmony, the different food groups must be balanced according to the yin-yang principles.

Each group has its own properties based on knowledge of the five elements:

1. Wood corresponds to acidic foodstuffs, which have a shrinking effect. A diet with too many acids will overburden the spleen, produce too much mucus, and could even damage the muscles. It can be balanced with metallic foods (metal element).

2. Fire corresponds to bitter foods. These cause dehydration. Too much bitter food dries up the spleen’s energy, blocks the stomach and shrinks the skin. It can be balanced with salty foods (water element).

3. Earth corresponds to sweet foods, which have a harmonizing and slowing effect. Eating too much sweet food causes painful joints, tired kidneys, excess heart energy and hair loss. It can be balanced with acid foods (wood element).

4. Metal corresponds to spicy and very tasty foods. It has a spreading effect. Too much metal causes knotted muscles, tachycardia, and brittle nails. It can be balanced with bitter foods (fire element).

5. Water corresponds to salty foods, and has a softening effect. A diet with too much salt damages muscles and tissue, reduces major bone strength and can cause depression. It can be balanced with sweet foods (earth element).

We usually give personal nutritional advice in combination with prescriptions for Chinese herbs in powder or capsule form. Separate nutrition advice takes approximately 60 minutes, but if it is combined with other treatment, you should allow an extra 30 minutes.


Acupuncture is a complete health protocol with the intention of balancing all yin and yang energy flows in the body. Very fine needles are placed in specific places where the energy or chi flow through the body can be influenced.

Alchemical spaygyrics & gemmotheraphy

The basic idea at Spagyrie is that nature contains everything that man needs for his healing. Its effect is based on the alchemical concept of transformation and focuses on transcending a complaint rather than combating a complaint.

Chinese herbs

Treatments based on Chinese herbs have been proving their effectiveness on millions of patients for centuries. It is one of the most empirical medicines known worldwide.


Cupping is a system to apply suction to one or more points of the meridians and has a visible effect on the blood flow to the underlying tissues.

Alchemical spaygyrics & gemmotheraphy

Gemmotherapy is a part of phytotherapy that uses leaf buds and shoots of trees and shrubs. The main effect of gemmotherapy focuses on drainage on the one hand and on the structure of the entire organism on the other.

Gua Sha

With the help of Gua Sha, on the one hand, the self-healing capacity is increased by indirectly stimulating the nervous system and on the other hand, the removal of waste products is significantly promoted.

One-day intensive retreat

A retreat is the perfect place to respond to a call from your body, a symptom, an observation or a diagnosis. There is room and time for change on a deeper level.


Moxa is a technique from Traditional Chinese Medicine in which specific herbs are burned to heat acupuncture points and thus promote Qi flow.

Want to stop smoking?

Acupuncture addresses both physical and mental nicotine addiction when quitting smoking.


Different types of moxa techniques are combined based on your complaints for deep relaxation and an invigorating/virtuous feeling afterwards.

Weight loss

We look at your nutritional habits, your exercise and the influence of your emotional life. According to Chinese Medicine, certain foods are healthy for one person, but not for another, depending on your constitution.


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