How can acupuncture treat cancer?
Let us starting by saying what acupuncture CAN NOT do. Acupuncture will not cure cancer. It is also important to know that the medical treatment should not be stopped during the acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture can help to ease the symptoms associated with the treatment of cancer..
Acupuncture can be of great help to people with cancer. During chemotherapy treatment, hormone therapy or radiation, acupuncture can prevent or reduce side effects that can occur due to the treatments.
Acupuncture can help with pain, fatigue, neuropathy and other symptoms, even if the symptoms have persisted for a long time.
The most common symptoms that can be treated with acupuncture are:
- Fatigue
- Loss of taste, decreased appetite, feeling full, nausea and vomiting
- Skin conditions
- Loss of sensation or tingling pain symptoms in hands and /or feet; neuropathy
- Loss of concentration, forgetfulness
- Climactic symptoms
Acupuncture will cause a restoration of certain processes in the body. Due to this, certain symptoms will disappear or will be diminished.
Studies into the effects of acupuncture in the treatment of symptoms caused by chemotherapy have shown positive results. Moreover, acupuncture is a very safe method that can be combined with the chemotherapy without risk of disrupting the treatment.
When to start with acupuncture?
Acupuncture produces excellent results during chemotherapy treatment. Symptoms can be prevented or their severity limited. You don’t need to wait until after the chemotherapy. It can be easily combined and does not have a negative influence on the effectiveness of the treatment. That does not mean that it does not make sense to start acupuncture at a later stage. Even with symptoms that exist for a longer time or side effects of a drug after treatment, good results can be obtained.
Don’t forget the emotional aspect!
The physical symptoms are not the only things to be taken in consideration. The emotional processing of the fact that you have cancer, can have a large impact on the body. As well as paying attention to your physical condition, it is important to focus on your mental wellbeing too. Body, soul and mind are one. Every acupunctural treatment will be based on this.